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Brit expats leave pets behind due to soaring coasts of transportation

Published:  24 Jun at 6 PM
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A new poll suggests that, of the two million Britons who have emigrates since 2003, a good number have left their pets behind due to the soaring costs of relocation by air.

Money is the main reason for the abandonment of dogs and cats when their owners leave the UK, but there is also unnecessary concern over the distress caused by long flights. However, leaving your pets behind will cause far more misery for them than will the journey in a specially-designed aircraft hold.

The poll was undertaken by relocation specialist company Global Visas, which states it is now easier and safer than in previous years to take your pets with you when you emigrate. Airlines are required to provide a specially-adapted space in the hold, and pets must travel in an approved kennel giving enough space to turn, sit, stand and lie down during the journey.

Vets involved in pet transportation can reassure owners that most animals will sleep throughout the journey, however long. The RSPCA reminds pet owners to consider the climate and age of the pet before making a final decision, but most pets can adjust to hot climates and most homes in favourite expat destinations now have air-conditioning.

Regulations as to vaccines and veterinary certificates vary according to the destination, with all EU member states requiring microchipping and rabies and tapeworm inoculations. Your British veterinary surgeon will be aware of the regulations and paperwork necessary, and will help during this stressful time.

As to costs, taking your cat to Australia will work out at around £2,500, and transporting a large dog to Melbourne will cost up to $5,000 including the compulsory 30 days’ quarantine. If you’re breaking your journey overnight due to inconvenient connections, your pet will need to stay in your transit airport’s quarantine area.

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