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Expats in Kuwait object to one hundred per cent increase in traffic fines
Published: | 23 May at 6 PM |
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Tagged: Citizenship, UAE
Expats and residents of Kuwait are unhappy about plans to increase traffic fines by as much as 100 per cent.
The Ministry of Interior’s decision to double the amount of fines charged for traffic violations is causing major discontent in the expat community, with even Kuwaiti citizens asking their MPs to confront the Ministry’s officials. Many are wondering whether the sharp increase is simply one way of raking in more cash to offset falling oil revenues.
Locals are vociferous about the increases, saying that those on basic salaries will be hit hard, and are pointing out that the deterrent effect of high fines for traffic violations goes against the fall in traffic accidents over the past year. Complaints are also being made about the heavy traffic congestion and poor state of many of the emirate’s roads, both of which are recognised as causing many accidents and traffic law violations.
Citizens and expat alike are calling for road-widening schemes and traffic calming measures before swinging increases in fines are put in place. Most are concerned about the effect of the increases on the already high cost of living in the city, with some pointing out that traffic violation fines are already the highest in any Gulf country.
Expats living and working in Kuwait may well not have much in the way of difficulty in paying the increased fines, but many are complaining about the ever-increasing cost of living. Some suggest the government needs to find other ways of relining its coffers rather than just relying on its citizens for extra income.
Meanwhile, the happiness index of expats living and working in the UAE seems to be on the up, according to a recent survey. Noted as a leading destination for overseas professionals, its quality of life, low taxes, safety and general attraction all add up to satisfied expat workers. Over half of expats surveyed rate the UAE as a great place to further one’s career as well as acquiring new skills and enjoying life in general.
The Ministry of Interior’s decision to double the amount of fines charged for traffic violations is causing major discontent in the expat community, with even Kuwaiti citizens asking their MPs to confront the Ministry’s officials. Many are wondering whether the sharp increase is simply one way of raking in more cash to offset falling oil revenues.
Locals are vociferous about the increases, saying that those on basic salaries will be hit hard, and are pointing out that the deterrent effect of high fines for traffic violations goes against the fall in traffic accidents over the past year. Complaints are also being made about the heavy traffic congestion and poor state of many of the emirate’s roads, both of which are recognised as causing many accidents and traffic law violations.
Citizens and expat alike are calling for road-widening schemes and traffic calming measures before swinging increases in fines are put in place. Most are concerned about the effect of the increases on the already high cost of living in the city, with some pointing out that traffic violation fines are already the highest in any Gulf country.
Expats living and working in Kuwait may well not have much in the way of difficulty in paying the increased fines, but many are complaining about the ever-increasing cost of living. Some suggest the government needs to find other ways of relining its coffers rather than just relying on its citizens for extra income.
Meanwhile, the happiness index of expats living and working in the UAE seems to be on the up, according to a recent survey. Noted as a leading destination for overseas professionals, its quality of life, low taxes, safety and general attraction all add up to satisfied expat workers. Over half of expats surveyed rate the UAE as a great place to further one’s career as well as acquiring new skills and enjoying life in general.
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