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Avaaz anti Trump campaign launches in London
Published: | 22 Sep at 6 PM |
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The latest attempt to save the world from the unthinkable prospect of Donald Trump in the White House was launched in London on Wednesday.
The campaign, organised and run by registered US charity Avaaz, is being promoted as the ‘October surprise which will end Trump’, and seeks to mobilise the more than eight million unregistered expat American voters living overseas. Its first initiative began on Wednesday, with campaigners marching from London’s University College to the Houses of Parliament along with an open-top bus blasting Springstein’s ‘Born in the USA ‘at full volume, almost drowning out the chants of ‘Don’t vote Trump’.
According to the activist group, reputedly linked to famous billionaire financier George Soros, a massive 88 per cent of Americans living and working overseas don’t bother to vote, even in presidential elections. Its founders believes the majority are likely to be progressives as 56 per cent of the group's UK members have Masters’ degrees and donate to Democratic candidates during the primaries.
A recent Avaaz press release quotes an Oxford University study which revealed America’s silent expat voters could decide the upcoming presidential election. Their numbers, it stated, could well make up the USA’s 13th largest state. Although only 12 per cent are registered to vote at the present time, activists believe starting the campaign in the UK is the best way forward as more UK expats live in the city than in any other world conurbation.
Azaav’s website is urging US voters to email their friends living overseas with a request to visit the site and familiarise themselves with a new registration tool which takes the hassle out of the process. It’s believed the main reason why millions of US expats don’t vote is that the conventional registration and voting process is complicated and prone to error.
Many USA expats previously aware of Azaav’s activities will know the organisation was also active in campaigning against the UK’s leaving the EU, using the slogan, ‘Choose Love, Vote Remain’. Many more, it seems, not all of whom will be natives of the USA, will be hoping the present campaign is a great deal more successful.
The campaign, organised and run by registered US charity Avaaz, is being promoted as the ‘October surprise which will end Trump’, and seeks to mobilise the more than eight million unregistered expat American voters living overseas. Its first initiative began on Wednesday, with campaigners marching from London’s University College to the Houses of Parliament along with an open-top bus blasting Springstein’s ‘Born in the USA ‘at full volume, almost drowning out the chants of ‘Don’t vote Trump’.
According to the activist group, reputedly linked to famous billionaire financier George Soros, a massive 88 per cent of Americans living and working overseas don’t bother to vote, even in presidential elections. Its founders believes the majority are likely to be progressives as 56 per cent of the group's UK members have Masters’ degrees and donate to Democratic candidates during the primaries.
A recent Avaaz press release quotes an Oxford University study which revealed America’s silent expat voters could decide the upcoming presidential election. Their numbers, it stated, could well make up the USA’s 13th largest state. Although only 12 per cent are registered to vote at the present time, activists believe starting the campaign in the UK is the best way forward as more UK expats live in the city than in any other world conurbation.
Azaav’s website is urging US voters to email their friends living overseas with a request to visit the site and familiarise themselves with a new registration tool which takes the hassle out of the process. It’s believed the main reason why millions of US expats don’t vote is that the conventional registration and voting process is complicated and prone to error.
Many USA expats previously aware of Azaav’s activities will know the organisation was also active in campaigning against the UK’s leaving the EU, using the slogan, ‘Choose Love, Vote Remain’. Many more, it seems, not all of whom will be natives of the USA, will be hoping the present campaign is a great deal more successful.
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