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Benidorm based disabled expat assaulted and robbed
Published: | 22 Aug at 6 PM |
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Tagged: Spain
As reports of violence against British expats and tourists increase, is Spain as safe a destination for elderly retirees as it was in the past?
Now that the tourism high season is in full swing, reports of expats and visitors being targeting by violent attacks are on the increase. Benidorm is in the news again due to an attack by a gang of Romanian prostitutes on a disabled expat who’d only just arrived in the resort with his wife. Ally Ray, a 55-year old multiple sclerosis sufferer, was robbed of £700 by two hookers who assaulted him and stole £700 from his pocket whilst he was walking to a local shop to buy a second-hand scooter as a solution for his inability to walk long distances.
Ally told reporters he’d been out for a walk and was feeling tired when he decided to buy a scooter he’d previously seen in a local shop. He decided to walk to the store, although his wife advised him to take a taxi as he was already exhausted. Whilst he was walking, two Romanian women attacked him, groping him sexually and offering their services, with Ally telling them to get off and go away. After they’d left, he continued walking and finally arrived at the shop, where he realised his wallet containing £700 was missing. The police were called, and drove him around for a while in hope he’d spot his two attackers, but they were nowhere to be seen.
Previously, Benidorm officials had promised a crackdown on crime supposedly to keep British expats and tourists safe, although so far few results have been seen. Meanwhile, Balearic Islands lawmakers are set on banning free alcohol to tourists arriving on all-inclusive package holidays. It’s hoped the ban will put an end to drunk and disorderly behaviour in hotspots such as Magaluf. Tourists will be forced to order drinks from and be served by waiters, rather than clogging up bars at all-inclusive hotels. The rule will also apply to expats and visitors sitting outside main dining rooms during meal times, as well as prohibiting free drinks in mini-bars.
Now that the tourism high season is in full swing, reports of expats and visitors being targeting by violent attacks are on the increase. Benidorm is in the news again due to an attack by a gang of Romanian prostitutes on a disabled expat who’d only just arrived in the resort with his wife. Ally Ray, a 55-year old multiple sclerosis sufferer, was robbed of £700 by two hookers who assaulted him and stole £700 from his pocket whilst he was walking to a local shop to buy a second-hand scooter as a solution for his inability to walk long distances.
Ally told reporters he’d been out for a walk and was feeling tired when he decided to buy a scooter he’d previously seen in a local shop. He decided to walk to the store, although his wife advised him to take a taxi as he was already exhausted. Whilst he was walking, two Romanian women attacked him, groping him sexually and offering their services, with Ally telling them to get off and go away. After they’d left, he continued walking and finally arrived at the shop, where he realised his wallet containing £700 was missing. The police were called, and drove him around for a while in hope he’d spot his two attackers, but they were nowhere to be seen.
Previously, Benidorm officials had promised a crackdown on crime supposedly to keep British expats and tourists safe, although so far few results have been seen. Meanwhile, Balearic Islands lawmakers are set on banning free alcohol to tourists arriving on all-inclusive package holidays. It’s hoped the ban will put an end to drunk and disorderly behaviour in hotspots such as Magaluf. Tourists will be forced to order drinks from and be served by waiters, rather than clogging up bars at all-inclusive hotels. The rule will also apply to expats and visitors sitting outside main dining rooms during meal times, as well as prohibiting free drinks in mini-bars.
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