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Expat worker in Spain shocked at son’s suitcase arrival

Published:  22 May at 9 AM
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Tagged: Spain, Euro
The father of a Moroccan boy caught being smuggled into Spain in a suitcase has denied knowing anything about what was happening.

The eight-year-old boy in question was apprehended in Cueta, an autonomous city of Spain that adjoins Morocco, after officials discovered him inside a suitcase.

His father, Ali Ouattara from the Ivory Coast, refuted suggestions that he knew what was going on but admitted that he had hired intermediaries to bring his son into Spain. However, his lawyer claimed that he had expected the operation to be in accordance with the law.

Ouattara was arrested by police when his son was found hidden in the luggage of a 19-year-old woman who authorities said was acting suspiciously. He has confessed that he had been in contact with traffickers when he realsied that €5,000 charge for his son to be granted residency was not affordable.

A photograph published of the security scan in Cueta proved just how far many Africans and people from troubled Middle Eastern countries will go in their attempts to reach what they consider the safe haven of Europe.
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