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Survey reports Tokyo still the most expensive expat destination

Published:  21 Nov at 6 PM
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A recent survey rated Tokyo as the world’s most expensive expat destination for its high coast of living and housing costs.

The study, undertaken by EuroCost International, reported that the Japanese capital, along with Angola’s capital Luanda, were the most expensive cities in the world for expats, with Moscow coming in at third place. The cost of suitable Western-style accommodation and lifestyle in Tokyo is reckoned to take up most of any salary increase gained by moving there.

A number of Eurozone cities have dropped in the rankings as the financial crisis and eurocrisis take their tolls, with Paris, the most expensive city in the single currency zone, having previously ranked 23rd and now rated at 39th. It’s now a cheaper expat destination than most of the Middle Eastern emirates.

London and Geneva follow Moscow in terms of expense, with the Americas’ most expensive cities centred in Brazil, despite the country’s depreciated currency. Australia, currently doing its best to attract more immigrants, is still a pricey place to live, with Sydney and Canberra both in the top 20 rankings.

Singapore and Hong Kong rated fourth and sixth respectively, with Shanghai at 13th place and Beijing in at 16th. China is becoming more popular with prospective expats seeking a move, with a good number already there saying their wages had increased, as had their disposable income.
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