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Survey suggests a city for every type of expat

Published:  21 Sep at 6 PM
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Tagged: China, Euro
The difference and diversity of the world’s most popular cities means there is one perfect urban retreat for every potential expat.

Expats come in all shapes, colours and desires, with finding the dream destination especially important as it ensures the expat experience is all it can be. Each world city has its own original sense of identity contributing to its unique appeal, whether cultural, secure, sporting, great for career advancement, strong on enterprise or competitive as regards salaries.

The latest Expat Explorer survey has identified a number of cities and their unique attractions for those seeking to experience a different lifestyle. Also considered are common features which help newly arrived expats to find their feet in totally new surroundings. The major players such as London, New York, Paris, San Francisco and Singapore are all well-used to welcoming newcomers to their multiracial societies.

Culture vultures should head to historic Paris for its superb architecture, fascinating history and urban sophistication, although many expats admit they’d considered French foods and wines as a major draw. Almost 100 per cent of expats in the city are learning French. For a rejuvenating change of pace, Sydney’s sporting lifestyle is the major attraction, with over half of those taking part in the survey saying they’re far more active since the move.

For older, slightly nervous expats, Toronto hits the spot as regards feeling safe in a new environment, with two-thirds of resident respondents saying they felt far less threatened in the city. Of course, London and New York are perfect for career-minded expats, with the majority saying a stint in either city ensures better job prospects on the return to the home country.

Enterprising expats, especially those in the technology sector, will feel right at home in either San Francisco or China’s tech hotspot in Guangdong province. Entrepreneurs wishing to start their own business will be especially welcome in either conurbation. Annual surveys can become an essential part of preparation for a new, hopefully successful life overseas as they centre on risks as well as opportunities in destinations across the world.
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