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Expat passports no longer require Kuwait residency stickers

Published:  21 Feb at 6 PM
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Tagged: Citizenship, India, UAE
Expats in Kuwait now won't have residency stickers placed in thier passports, according to a new rule.

The passports of expats living and working in Kuwait won’t now need to have residency stickers, according to the emirate’s Deputy PM and Minister of the Interior.
The change is reputed be part of various ministry departments’ ongoing upgrades and is is expected to end the confiscation by sponsors of expatriate passports. The cancellations will also refer to departure and temporary residence notifications formerly also included in expat passports.

Also in Kuwait, recent statistics issued by a government ministry revealed 58,000 expatriates joined the emirate’s workforce during 2018. Over 11,000 came is as domestic helpers, with 47,000 new arrivals now working in the private sector. The total number of expats in Kuwait now stands at 2.38 million, with the vast majority employed in the public and private sectors. In addition, the statistics showed an increase of 8,562 Kuwaiti citizens employed within the two sectors.

Meanwhile, following the Pulwama attack, Indian and Pakistani expatriates in the UAE came together to condemn the violence and call for peace and harmony across their two countries and the world. Tensions between the two adjoining countries have ramped up recently, but expats from both regions are now calling for the chance to live in dignity without the risk of violence. Citing the emirates as an example of tolerance between races, both expat communities believe their two countries should focus on education, health, law and order and economic, social, emotional and physical well-being for all their citizens rather than on hate and violence.
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