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Leaked report quantifies major post-Brexit hassles for UK expats

Published:  20 Aug at 6 PM
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The leaked Yellowhammer report is warning UK citizens and expats attempting to travel to or in the EU will face maximum stays of just 90 days and stricter passport checks on arrival.

The British Embassy in Spain is expected to be overrun with consular enquiries from devastated and angry Brits as well as having to deal with consular assistance for vulnerable UK citizens. One of the major elements in Theresa May’s rejected Brexit deal was aimed at protecting the rights of both the one million Brits in the EU and their 3.5 million EU counterparts living and working in the UK, rights which now seem to have been thrown out of the window by the incoming occupants of No.10 Downing Street.

For all those affected, the selection of Boris Johnson as the UK’s new prime minister is becoming an even worse nightmare than the chaos and confusion it superseded. For Britons living on Gibraltar, it’s now not just fears of a Spanish takeover, as the leaked document claims the peninsula is vastly underprepared for the effects of a no-deal Brexit. Four-hour long queues at the border for those travelling to and from their Spanish homes to work on the Rock are predicted, with border checks on transportation also resulting in shortages of medicines, food and the shipment of waste.

Consequences are expected to include damage to Gibraltar’s economy, although its government is now dismissing the document’s claims as out of date and ‘planning for a worst scenario’. According to Gibraltar’s Chief Minister, the Rock does not want a no-deal exit from the EU but is ready should it occur. He claims the document itself is outdated, adding the issues raised have all been discussed in detail and solutions put in place. He also added the authorities are confident the worst scenario actually won’t happen, but is certain his government has covered all issues with its plans.
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