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Expats in Africa have highest salaries but work longest hours

Published:  20 May at 9 AM
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A global survey has revealed that expats in Africa earns more money than their counterparts elsewhere, bringing in an average of £160,000 per year.

However, the downside to the high salaries received on the world’s poorest continent is that expats there are working longer hours than anywhere else, with four out of 10 nations on the longest working hours list being in Africa.

Africa’s most populous country, Nigeria, is home to the most high-earning expats, largely due to the fact that it is the continent’s biggest oil producer and high salaries are widely available in the lucrative industry.

Some 12 per cent of expat households in the West African country earn in excess of £250,000 a year, making it the number one location for earning, says InterNations, an organisation for people who reside and work overseas.

Kazakhstan and Russia were next on the list, with 11 per cent of foreign households bringing in more than £250,000 a year. Malaysia and Singapore make up the top five, each with nine per cent earning that figure. Worldwide, meanwhile, just three per cent of expatriates fall into the same wage bracket.

However, expats in Nigeria may be earning the most, but the country also has the longest working week for foreigners, with the average length being 48.2 hours. Ghana is in second place with 47.8 hours, while the average working week among expats is just 41 hours.

However, the long hours don’t seem to be too much of a problem for the expats in Africa, with respondents to the InterNations survey in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya and Senegal claiming their work-life balance was positive.

InterNations surveyed 14,000 members in 169 nations about expat life. One in six of the group’s 1.6 million members lives in Africa.
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