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Balearics cracks down on alcohol abuse and balconing

Published:  20 Jan at 6 PM
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Tagged: Spain, Euro
Massive crackdown on alcohol in the Spanish Balearics leaves British expats in two minds.

Tourism based on excessive drinking and rowdy behaviour is now under attack in Spain’s Balearic Islands, focusing on resorts in Mallorca, Majorca and Ibiza and banning pub crawls, limiting sales of alcohol, ads for alcoholic beverages, happy hours, booze vending machines, free bars and party boats. Also banned is the deadly craze for jumping from hotel balconies into swimming pools whilst drunk. Sales of alcohol between the hours of 9 pm and 8 am are also forbidden, and tourists breaking the new laws will be heavily fined and deported.

According to the official responsible for tourism and the economy, the Balaerics is the first European destination to call an end to tourism based on alcoholic excess, although local and expatriate small businesses in the hospitality sector are voicing concerns the ban will wreck their turnover. Mallorca’s Tourism Services and Businesses Association president told Spanish TV he considers this response to the ban is disproportionate and excessive.

British expats on the islands are in two minds about the bans, with many saying they were necessary and others angry as it will affect their lifestyles, even although they don’t drink to excess. Those with small businesses including restaurants aimed at resident expat retirees and families are genuinely concerned, especially about the ban on alcohol sales after 9 pm, and many are saying it’s unfair. Even so, they realise something had to be done about drunken tourists and their totally unacceptable behaviour.
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