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Brexpats in Spain protest group expands to thousands of members

Published:  19 Sep at 6 PM
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Whilst politicians in the UK fight over the effects and even the legitimacy of the Brexit referendum, a protest group in Spain has expanded to include thousands of UK expats.

Begun several months ago in the Spanish town of Mijas, the group evolved almost overnight into ‘Brexpats in Spain’ due to a huge response from UK expats across the country. Thousands of British citizens resident all over Spain are now members, and the group’s new website covers all aspects of Brexit and the UK government’s convoluted responses.

Brexpats in Spain is apolitical and not-for-profit, and is developing plans to pressurise the UK parliament into providing at least some clarification of the appalling situation in which expat British businesses retirees and families now find themselves. The Euro Weekly News, a popular English language newspaper, is fully in support of the group and has promised coverage of all the meetings and events, and local government officials are also backing the campaign’s agenda.

Right now, the group is organising a broad-ranging campaign taking in all the UK expat communities on the Costa del Sol in order to give expat residents a chance to voice their concerns. Several public meetings have already taken place and many more are scheduled to follow. For those who, for whatever reason, are not able to attend scheduled meetings, the group is hoping to arrange meetups at alternative venues wherever possible.

Another new development is a weekly drop-in venue being held in Fuengirola every Friday from 4 pm to 6 pm. A public gathering was held in the city on September 19, with another organised for Benalmadena on October 4 and a third taking place in La Cala on October 13. Brexpats in Spain’s founders are clear about their mission to provide simple answers to the complex questions caused by the unexpected and potentially disastrous Brexit result.
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