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Brit expats in Cyprus reject government plans to allow UK tourism

Published:  19 Jun at 6 PM
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Tagged: USA, UK, Cyprus, England
British expats in Cyprus are horrified at the news that the island will soon open up to UK tourists.

Cyprus has always been a popular holiday destination for the British, with many falling in love with the island as their preferred retirement destination. Since the pandemic took hold of the majority of world countries, the island has dealt positively with the risk and kept its nationals and expatriate community safer than many other favourite spots.

As a result, yesterday’s announcement that Cyprus will open to British tourists as soon as a few weeks from now has spread fear across the island’s expat communities. The majority of long-stay Brits are making it very clear their fellow Britons are far less than welcome, as it’s quite possible they’ll bring the virus along with them. Various Facebook pages are giving out the message loud and clear that it’s far too soon to allow anyone from the UK’s chaotic shores to come within a mile of Cypriot beaches and hotels. The expat community feels safe, and is letting potential tourists know they’re not yet welcome.

Many are citing the recent and still ongoing protests in the UK, saying thousands have packed the streets whilst totally ignoring the need for social distancing and masks. Cyprus’s strict handling of the pandemic crisis included a strict lockdown with essential exit from homes needing text message approval, a curfew and the banning of all commercial flights. The strategy worked and, although some flights have been allowed to resume, those from the UK haven’t as yet.

The majority of expats on the island are retirees, meaning they’re more at risk from the virus than are younger groups and are prepared to make their views known about a reopening for as long as it takes.
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