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Expat workers in Oman should get guarantee of minimum wage

Published:  19 Jun at 6 PM
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Tagged: USA, Citizenship
Expatriate workers based in Oman should have a guarantee of receiving the country’s legal minimum wage, says the General Federation of Oman Trade Union (GFOTU).

GFOTU board member Mohammed Al Khaldi said that the labour law did not mention a minimum wage for Omani citizens or expatriate workers, despite a ministerial decree in 2013 stating that nationals should be guaranteed minimum wage. However, he noted that expat workers were left in the lurch, and introducing such a ruling would improve the whole labour system.

The Ministry of Manpower issued a decree in 2013, stating that as of July that year Omanis in the private sector must receive at least the minimum wage of OMR325 (US$841) from the OMR200 at the time. But the calls to give migrant workers a minimum wage have failed to gain momentum.

Council of Oman lower house member Ahmed Al Busaidi claimed such a move would complicate matters, insisting that wages should be negotiated between the bosses and their employees. He said that is a worker received less than what was agreed, he or she should go to the Ministry of Manpower.

But social worker Shaji Sebastin noted that if the new labour law guaranteed expat workers a minimum wage too then it would be great. He said that such a move could solve labour market issues in the country because at present migrant workers were being hired for different salaries than locals which, in turn, affected local workers.
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