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Spain reveals most common expat names

Published:  19 Jun at 3 PM
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Tagged: Spain, USA, UK, Italy, England
Spain’s office of national statistics has published the most popular expat names in the country, with Moroccan and Romanian names out in front.

According to statistics agency, Mohamed and Fatima are the number one men and women’s names respectively, with 40,658 Moroccan Mohameds and 18,493 Moroccan Fatimas living in the Iberian country.

However, there are also many more expat Mohameds in the country, with a further 2,436 from Algeria and more than 19,000 Mohammeds with a double m.
Meanwhile, in addition to the number of Moroccan and Romanian names on the list, the top 50 also includes names from the UK, Russia, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Senegal, Portugal and Italy.

After Fatima, the next most common names for expat women in Spain are from Romania, with 12,547 Marias and 10,629 Elenas. Other female names on the list come from the UK, Poland, Portugal, Italy, Bulgaria, Colombia and Ukraine.

The top three expatriate groups in Spain are Romanians, Moroccans and Brits respectively.

Figures from Spain’s Ministry of Employment and Social Security showed that as of last year there were 4,925,089 foreign residents in the country, with 19 per cent (953,000) from Romania, 16 per cent (771,000) from Morocco and six per cent (276,000) from the UK.

In terms of British nationals living in Spain, John (1,757) and Susan (916) were the most popular male and female names.
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