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Belgian expat named mayor of Spanish town

Published:  19 Jun at 2 PM
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Tagged: Spain
A Belgian expatriate in Spain has been voted in as the mayor of Alcaucin in Malaga.

Mario Blancke, who has resided in the southern Spanish town for 25 years, was a town planning councillor for four years before his election campaign to be mayor in May. He won a large number of his votes because of his role as spokesman for Save our homes in Axarquia (SOHA), which campaigns to prevent homes in the region being demolished.

Blancke and the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) have now agreed that the Belgian will hold the position of mayor for the full four-year legislation term.

The expat also gained popularity among the local Spanish community because of his work towards the town’ urban planning.

Since the announcement that he won the vote, Blancke has said that he aims to give the town a boost and put the area on the map because of having its first foreign mayor.
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