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Hong Kong: Drunk Brit rescued off the Peak after getting lost

Published:  19 May at 9 AM
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Tagged: UK, Hong Kong, England
A helicopter had to air lift a drunk Brit to safety after he lost his way at Hong Kong's Victoria Peak.

The British man, aged 27, apparently got confused about which direction to walk in and then found himself in Victoria Peak’s heavily forested area at around 5am. He then proceeded to fall down a steep slope, after which he managed to get stuck due to entangling his foot in a length of rope.

The man then attempted to free himself yet gave up after two hours of trying and decided to call the police for help instead.

In a show of the close relationship between Hong Kong and Britain, or just purely for the fact that there was not much else going on that morning, the police sent firefighters and a Panther class helicopter to where the man reported he was trapped.

The drunk Brit was found only 200 meters from Lugard Road and was then promptly airlifted to Conduit Road.

He was provided with medical treatment for the all the scratches found on his body at the hospital in Wan Chai and then left on his own accord to probably sleep off the alcohol he had consumed.
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