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New Spanish law requires medical examinations for expat drivers

Published:  19 Jan at 6 PM
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Tagged: Spain, UK, England
Yet another EU directive is due to come in force by January 19, meaning that all UK expat drivers in Spain will be forced to undergo a medical examination.

Expats up to the age of 65 will need to have a medical every 10 years, and those over the age of 65 will be required to be re-examined every five years. The medical examination will take the form of a hearing, sight and co-ordination test conducted via a computer-based driving simulation.

For drivers wanting to retain their UK photo driving licenses, the new directive requires that the DVLA be notified of their Spanish address and that a UK permanent residential address must also be declared. The new law states that a permanent residence must usually be lived in for a minimum period of 185 days in any one year.

Should expat drivers wish to convert their UK drivers’ licenses to the Spanish equivalent, this can be done at the time of the initial medical examination. It would seem that the new directive confirms at least part of an already existing Spanish motoring law applying to nationals as well as expats which, up until now, has mostly been ignored by the authorities.
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