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Johnson slammed by international company CEO for gambling with expat lives
Published: | 18 Sep at 6 PM |
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Following on the Luxembourg PM’s tell-it-like-it-is moment, a multinational finance company’s CEO has accused Johnson of being a high-stakes, misguided gambler.
Founder of the well-known deVere Group Nigel Green slammed Johnson for risking the futures of several million Britons and their families living in Europe as well as the millions of EU citizens living and working in the UK. Green’s statement followed on from Xavier Bettel’s hitting out at Johnson when he abruptly refused to participate in a previously arranged press conference after the two politicians had concluded their meeting. Bettel’s message had been clear in that he stated the millions of expats at risk of a no deal Brexit are desperately in need of clarity, stability and certainty.
Referring to Johnson’s stance as risky, misguided and cruel, Green pointed out that a no-deal Brexit would disproportionately affect both EU and UK expats, even although the British PM has promised to protect the rights of EU expatriates in Britain. Even if the EU wanted to reciprocate in kind as a single body, a similar guarantee cannot be given as each individual EU member state has to legislate its own stance via a reciprocal agreement with the UK. Green also believes the threat of a no-deal Brexit is now an increasing possibility due to May’s withdrawal agreement having failed to win the approval of the British parliament.
Perhaps the most crucial of Green’s concerns is his attitude towards the hated 15-year expat disenfranchisement law which prevented those Britons with the most to lose from making their views known in the 2016 referendum. Britain, he said, is the only G7 country with such an archaic ruling aimed at those who, as is their right, choose to live, work or retire in another EU member state. According to Green, should the several hundred thousand long-stay Brits affected by the ruling been allowed to vote, the outcome might well have been completely different. However, he added, those whose futures depend on a free vote should have been able to have their say.
Founder of the well-known deVere Group Nigel Green slammed Johnson for risking the futures of several million Britons and their families living in Europe as well as the millions of EU citizens living and working in the UK. Green’s statement followed on from Xavier Bettel’s hitting out at Johnson when he abruptly refused to participate in a previously arranged press conference after the two politicians had concluded their meeting. Bettel’s message had been clear in that he stated the millions of expats at risk of a no deal Brexit are desperately in need of clarity, stability and certainty.
Referring to Johnson’s stance as risky, misguided and cruel, Green pointed out that a no-deal Brexit would disproportionately affect both EU and UK expats, even although the British PM has promised to protect the rights of EU expatriates in Britain. Even if the EU wanted to reciprocate in kind as a single body, a similar guarantee cannot be given as each individual EU member state has to legislate its own stance via a reciprocal agreement with the UK. Green also believes the threat of a no-deal Brexit is now an increasing possibility due to May’s withdrawal agreement having failed to win the approval of the British parliament.
Perhaps the most crucial of Green’s concerns is his attitude towards the hated 15-year expat disenfranchisement law which prevented those Britons with the most to lose from making their views known in the 2016 referendum. Britain, he said, is the only G7 country with such an archaic ruling aimed at those who, as is their right, choose to live, work or retire in another EU member state. According to Green, should the several hundred thousand long-stay Brits affected by the ruling been allowed to vote, the outcome might well have been completely different. However, he added, those whose futures depend on a free vote should have been able to have their say.
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