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Trash turns to cash for UAE expat workers

Published:  18 Jun at 6 PM
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Tagged: USA, UAE
The transient expat community in the United Arab Emirates is learning that one man’s trash is another man’s treasure as yard sales and classified ads become respectable. Prior to the 2008 financial crash, UAE expat society was obsessed by the new, shiny and sparkly, with cruising flea markets for bargains considered as uncool as it gets.

Nowadays, secondhand goods are being recognised for what they are – nearly new, upscale and barely used by the sellers who are now leaving for another short-term contract. Classified ad websites have sprung up like weeds, and garage sales are part of expat weekend fun.

Flea markets are thriving, and secondhand goods are being chased by new arrivals used to being thrifty. Garage sales are the easiest to set up and the most useful for unwanted crockery, small electrical appliances and small furniture items.

Ads on classified websites stating date, time and location as well as on local notice boards, supermarket ads boards and office notice boards will get buyers flocking in. If you’re clearing the decks of large, big-ticket items such as cars, large furniture and luxury electrical goods such as American-style fridges, online classified sites are the best way to go.

Set a price which allows for bargaining, but don’t be too greedy or you’ll get no calls at all. If you’ve a wardrobe crammed with unwanted designer gear and shoes and bags to die for but no longer needed, the burgeoning number of dress exchange stores and upscale second-hand outlets are for you.

Vintage as well as designer is popular, and the stores take a percentage of the sale. Flea markets are the best fun of all, and becoming very fashionable as hunting grounds for the distinct and different, especially in home design goods, with tables easily rented and customer throughput guaranteed.
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