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British expats in Spain approve Farage second referendum call

Published:  18 Jan at 6 PM
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Tagged: Spain, USA, UK, Canada, Italy, Euro, England
The anti-Brexit campaign group Bremain in Spain is supportive of Nigel Farage’s call for a second Brexit referendum.

Bremain in Spain are in partnership with European Movement and Britain for Europe, and are fully in support of a second referendum based on the facts in an outline of a possible deal. Chair of Bremain in Spain Sue Wilson told local reporters she would expect a win for Remain voters, adding she’d love to throw the result as a 'win for the people' straight back at Brexit supporters who’ve been ‘shoving the peoples’ will’ down Remainers’ throats for months.

Bremain in Spain is also highlighting the British government’s continuing refusal to deal with the hated 15-year disenfranchisement rule for expats who’ve lived abroad long-term. According to Wilson, the rule is a frustrating kick in the teeth for expats living in EU member states who were unable to vote on their own futures. Promises, she says, have been broken by the British government time after time after time, resulting in cynicism from all those affected.

The group is now lobbying UK lawmakers in support of a Private Members Bill guaranteeing voting rights restoration by 2022. However, should the bill succeed, 2022 will be far too late for British expats living in EU member states to be able to have their say in a second Brexit referendum.

WWII veteran Harry Schindler, who’s lived in Italy since 1946, was the first to call for the abolition of the 15-year rule, and has been a vital part of the movement throughout its decades of trying. That the British parliament is still sitting on the fence cradling its broken promises is a disgrace to the human right of free speech for all those affected.
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