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Auckland among most expensive Asia Pacific cities for expats to live
Published: | 17 Dec at 9 AM |
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Tagged: Australia, New Zealand
New Zealand’s biggest city Auckland has moved ahead of the Australian cities of Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth to become the Asia Pacific region’s 16th most expensive city to live in, revealed an ECA International Survey.
The city moved up from last year’s position of 54th most expensive city in the world to live in to 36th this time out. The South Korean capital Seoul moved above Tokyo to become the region’s most expensive and is now the 10th costliest globally.
The authors of the report explained that cots in New Zealand have gone up for many people faster than they have in Australia, primarily because of the strength of the New Zealand dollar. However, it pointed out that some Australian cities, such as Sydney and Canberra (29th and 34th globally respectively), had continued to move up in the rankings and remained above Auckland.
The survey is conducted to help international companies work out cost of living allowances for their overseas-based employees by comparing the cost of consumer services and goods – such as electrical goods, household goods and groceries, but not living costs like school fees, utilities and car purchases which are generally covered by separate allowances - in 440 locations around the world.
The city moved up from last year’s position of 54th most expensive city in the world to live in to 36th this time out. The South Korean capital Seoul moved above Tokyo to become the region’s most expensive and is now the 10th costliest globally.
The authors of the report explained that cots in New Zealand have gone up for many people faster than they have in Australia, primarily because of the strength of the New Zealand dollar. However, it pointed out that some Australian cities, such as Sydney and Canberra (29th and 34th globally respectively), had continued to move up in the rankings and remained above Auckland.
The survey is conducted to help international companies work out cost of living allowances for their overseas-based employees by comparing the cost of consumer services and goods – such as electrical goods, household goods and groceries, but not living costs like school fees, utilities and car purchases which are generally covered by separate allowances - in 440 locations around the world.
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