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Brit ambassador to Spain warns all UK expats over registration

Published:  17 Sep at 6 PM
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Britain’s ambassador to Spain Simon Manley has sent out warning letters to all Britons living in Spain.

British expatriates living, working and retiring in Spain have received a warning letter from the British ambassador regarding the need to ensure they’re fully registered by the end of March next year. Whilst the letter expresses the British government’s optimism that a deal will be reached, it also warns British citizens that all eventualities should be properly prepared for, including the possibility of a devastating no-deal crash out of the EU.

Included in the letter is a link to government advice on how to prepare for a no-deal exit, with the page giving 19 headers mostly of use to businesses in the UK. None of the headers mention expats in EU member states, but under ‘related content’, Brits in the EU will find a sub-head entitled ‘UK nationals in the EU: essential information'. The vast bulk of information on this sub-page does not apply to a no-deal exit, as all bets will then be considered off and the agreements mentioned will no longer be valid.

The latest threat to the lives of British expats in Europe hit the media on 13th inst, stating that in the event of a no-deal, British driving licenses will no longer be valid in Europe. According to the ambassador’s letter, the outreach events previously held in various Spanish expat hotspots will continue, with 20 planned between now and the end of December. It also promised relevant information will be made public as soon as is practicable, and expats are advised to sign up for email alerts, keep an eye on relevant social media sites and visit the embassy’s Brits in Spain social media channels.
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