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Tragic murder of MP Jo Cox puts hold on Brexit campaigning

Published:  17 Jun at 6 PM
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Yesterday’s shocking news of the murder of Batley MP Jo Cox resulted in both the Remain and Leave camps suspending their campaigning until at least Saturday out of respect for the popular parliamentarian.

As the appalling news broke that one of politics’ brightest young stars had been stabbed and shot to death outside her constituency centre in Birstall, Yorkshire, the entire nation reacted with horror and grief. Since then, condolences and tributes have been arriving from her constituents, her parliamentary colleagues, British political luminaries and world leaders including Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel. It’s since been announced that Parliament will be recalled Monday as a tribute to Jo.

Soon after the news of the assassination broke, both the Remain and Leave campaigns announced a temporary suspension of their activities out of respect for the much-loved humanitarian who’d taken the British parliament by storm in just over a year as an MP.
She was seen by senior party politicians to be at the start of a stunning, influential career.

According to reports in the media, her murderer has a history of mental illness and radical leanings, and was heard to scream ‘Britain first’ as he stabbed and shot her. It’s being suggested that, the increasing bitter Brexit battle between the two campaigns may have triggered the killer’s attack when he became aware she supported Britain’s remaining in the EU. As a dedicated humanitarian and activist, Mrs Cox was known to support immigration and had ties with Brussels.

Online commentators are well as the media are suggesting that the tragic death of the passionate and brilliant parliamentarian may well result in the last few days before the referendum being a chance for both sides to bury their anger and make some sense out of what has happened. This, at least, would show respect to a woman who will be much missed by the country as well as by her family and friends.
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