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Brit expat arrested for burglary following a two year crime spree

Published:  17 Apr at 6 PM
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A British expat has been arrested by French police, ending his two-year crime spree of burglaries at the unattended homes of other British citizens.

The as yet unnamed Briton was arrested at his rural home in a small village outside the Western France town of Civray, a popular destination for British expats and holiday home owners. The arrest followed after neighbours tipped off local gendarmes, and the man later admitted to at least 38 burglaries, undertaken over a two year period during which he watched out for second homeowners and expats who left their properties for trips back to the UK.

It seems that many left their French homes relatively unsecured and didn’t ask neighbours to keep a look out whilst they were away. A police search of the man’s property revealed a huge number of stolen possessions, including gold, gem and pearl jewellery, laptop computers, television sets, tools, garden equipment and more. The thief seems to have not been remotely interested in disposing of his ill-gotten gains, a number of which had been reported to the police as having been stolen.

According to a spokesperson for Montmorillion gendarmerie, around 90 per cent of the recovered goods were the result of the crook’s two-year crime spree. Police accused the unemployed man of committing at least 42 burglaries since 2014, although to date he’s only admitted to around 38. Britons living in Civray, its neighbouring villages and Savigne were his targets after having been identified by their car registration plates, with police believing he arrived in the area in 2014 and began his life of crime shortly afterwards.

The thief has no previous convictions, but will now face trial and imprisonment for his crimes. Local police now advising expat home owners to properly secure their homes if they’re going to be away for some time, as well as asking locals in the area to stay alert.
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