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Bremain in Spain condemns government attitude towards Brexit negotiations
Published: | 16 Oct at 6 PM |
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Major expat rights campaign group Bremain in Spain is less than impressed by the current progress of Brexit negotiations.
Chairperson of Bremain in Spain Sue Wilson’s opinions on the fifth Brexit negotiation talks and related government action are less than positive, and with good reason. Last week’s lively general news scene meant there was little coverage in the UK media of what turned out to be largely a non-event, with the UK team and David Davis not even bothering to turn up on two occasions.
Theresa May’s interview last Tuesday on local radio didn’t help much either, mostly due to her admission she had no idea what might happen to UK expats in Europe and EU expats in Britain should the Brexit end-game be a no-deal exit. Wilson is especially annoyed about the PM’s latest mutterings, asking why May keeps mentioning the no-deal scenario as if it is a foregone conclusion, adding the poor quality to date of Brexit planning means expats aren’t’ expecting any last-minute contingency plans on their behalf.
Last Monday, David Davis was conspicuous by his absence, followed on Wednesday by the entire team, all of whom failed to appear. No surprise, then, that UK media representatives showed little interest, nor that the EU team, having been pushed by Britain to step up talks, must now wonder what game the UK’s playing. Barnier’s reaction was to indicate certain points were clarified but no real steps forward were taken, resulting in planned talks on future EU/UK relationships being removed from the upcoming EU summit’s agenda.
Wilson’s take on the continuing lack of progress hinges on many unresolved issues such as citizens’ rights and the problems concerning the European Court of Justice’s jurisdiction. She believes it’s now impossible to predict any progress on outstanding issues, leaving the 4.5 million expats affected in a worsening state of uncertainty. References to game-playing, both from May and the EU, are unsuitable means of expression about the situation, and Brexit, she stresses, is not a game, as peoples’ lives are at stake. It’s time the British government began acting as grown-ups and enough, she states, is enough.
Chairperson of Bremain in Spain Sue Wilson’s opinions on the fifth Brexit negotiation talks and related government action are less than positive, and with good reason. Last week’s lively general news scene meant there was little coverage in the UK media of what turned out to be largely a non-event, with the UK team and David Davis not even bothering to turn up on two occasions.
Theresa May’s interview last Tuesday on local radio didn’t help much either, mostly due to her admission she had no idea what might happen to UK expats in Europe and EU expats in Britain should the Brexit end-game be a no-deal exit. Wilson is especially annoyed about the PM’s latest mutterings, asking why May keeps mentioning the no-deal scenario as if it is a foregone conclusion, adding the poor quality to date of Brexit planning means expats aren’t’ expecting any last-minute contingency plans on their behalf.
Last Monday, David Davis was conspicuous by his absence, followed on Wednesday by the entire team, all of whom failed to appear. No surprise, then, that UK media representatives showed little interest, nor that the EU team, having been pushed by Britain to step up talks, must now wonder what game the UK’s playing. Barnier’s reaction was to indicate certain points were clarified but no real steps forward were taken, resulting in planned talks on future EU/UK relationships being removed from the upcoming EU summit’s agenda.
Wilson’s take on the continuing lack of progress hinges on many unresolved issues such as citizens’ rights and the problems concerning the European Court of Justice’s jurisdiction. She believes it’s now impossible to predict any progress on outstanding issues, leaving the 4.5 million expats affected in a worsening state of uncertainty. References to game-playing, both from May and the EU, are unsuitable means of expression about the situation, and Brexit, she stresses, is not a game, as peoples’ lives are at stake. It’s time the British government began acting as grown-ups and enough, she states, is enough.
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