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Expat rights campaign groups hold huge rally in London

Published:  16 Sep at 6 PM
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Campaign groups representing both UK expats in Europe and EU expats in the UK have staged a massive lobbying rally in London.

The rally came as news broke that Theresa May is to travel to Florence next Friday to give a speech about Brexit prior to the start of the next round of negotiations. The rally encompassed several venues as well as the famous London landmark of Trafalgar Square and was organised by two major Brexit protest groups, British in Europe and the 3 Million.
Some 50,000 people came out in force to give their views on Brexit’s threat to their lives to the many parliamentarians attending the event.

The Welcome event took place at the packed Emmanuel Centre conference venue, with campaign leaders and members of parliament giving speeches amidst a feeling of solidarity and hope. At Westminster, committee rooms saw dozens of MPs signing a pledge on citizens’ rights, with a constant stream meeting affected constituents and hearing their concerns about the dire effects of Brexit on their lives and careers.

Both British citizens in the EU and EU citizens in the UK were represented, with British in Europe chairperson Jane Golding explaining that Brits who’d travelled from their European homes to attend the rally were being advised to express their concerns to the MP from their last UK constituency. According to Golding, there is a real swell of support from British MPs, with the crowd especially pleased to see a number of Labour parliamentarians in attendance a well as Lib Dems and Scottish National Party representatives.

Before the rally itself, campaigners attended a Westminster Hall debate on Brexit negotiations, sitting in the public gallery as members of parliament debated their views. In addition, several hundred questions were fired at MPs via social media, with the majority coming from British expats in Europe. The rally ended in Trafalgar Square with yet more speeches and a lot of singing.
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