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The adventurous expats guide to dangerous countries

Published:  16 Aug at 6 PM
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As a welcome change from surveys listing the most expensive, cheapest, prettiest, friendliest and safest of the world’s expat destinations, here’s a list of the most dangerous places to visit.

The plethora of expat surveys come in all shapes and sizes and often contradict each other in the same week, giving would-be expats a confusing picture of options rather than helping them make a decision which might affect the rest of their lives. However, the latest survey to emerge should appeal to adventurous expats, as it lists the most dangerous destinations on offer across the world.

The winner out of 18 listed countries is Mexico, distinguished by its rampant murder rate and high number of extortions and kidnappings. Gun battles between drug lords come as standard, and violent protesting is an art form in this hot sweaty country famous for its beachside US expat enclaves. Georgia’s unending problems with Vladimir Putin and his army spark frequent violent demos, although Russian intervention in the small state is nothing new. It’s best avoided for the foreseeable future, if only for the plethora of unexploded Russian bombs lurking in its countryside.

Libya and most of its neighbours need no introduction as dangerous places for human beings in general, with uncontrollable extremist groups running rampant and terrorism a daily occurrence. Adventurous expats might like to opt for North Korea, especially if they enjoy being the centre of attention for not only their local minder but also any stray army patrols they might encounter.

A decades-long civil war, piracy and tribal warfare has prevented Somalians from even seeing a tourist or expat for at least 20 years, making crossing it off the list the only alternative. Sadly, Egypt is again embroiled in conflict, with Cairo the scene of violent attacks. A few days’ R and R at one of its beachside towns is out of the question for the foreseeable future.

For explosions and other loud noises, Kenya is the favourite, with its militant attacks occurring daily and uncontrollably. You’ll hate it as much as does its wildlife, with the same to be said for Nigeria. The Boko Haram terrorist group is active across the country, making it number one in the travel warnings contest.

Ignoring the rest of Africa and heading for South America, it’s best to avoid Columbia unless you get a kick out of large groups of guys in khaki battle dress. Let’s face it, the world’s in a mess and however adventurous you feel, it’s safer to stay at home.
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