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Expat dog owners in Malaga thrilled by its new doggie play parks

Published:  16 Jul at 6 PM
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Lucky dogs in Malaga can now take their expat and local owners for a refreshing walkie in two large, brand new doggie-designated recreational areas.

Malaga’s city council has allocated a total of 13,000 square metres in two sections for dog-owners to get exercise along with their furry best friends. The two dog-walking parks are located close by the Society for the Protection of Animals and Plants shelter and within the grounds of the Municipal Animal Health Centre, with the two areas together costing some 73 thousand euros and taking three and a half months to complete. As well as providing areas in which owners can safely walk their dogs, the spaces’ locations adjacent to the animal shelters also serve as recreational areas for the charities’ volunteer dog walkers and their charges.

Urban dogs parks are uncommon in Spain, with the two new areas containing paths and open spaces requiring the provision of earthworks, soil stabilisation and paving. For dog owners, there are litter bins as well as wooden benches for relaxation, and specific doggy play elements have been designed and installed. For years, doggy needs as regards specific areas for walkies and play spaces haven’t exactly been top of local governmental must-do lists, even although many local and expat dog owners have complained and pleaded for such facilities. Until recently, dogs were forbidden on local beaches, but the two new play parks may well mark a change in official mindsets about the importance of dogs in residents’ lives.
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