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World survey shows map of least and most racially tolerant countries

Published:  16 May at 6 PM
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The World Value Survey’s map of every world country’s level of racial tolerance was used by Swedish researchers to determine the relationship between racism and economic freedom.

The report by Swedish economists was prompted by one of many questions asked in the original survey of respondents in 80 world countries. The question was simple, with people asked to identify the types of people they’d dislike as neighbours.

One check-listed answer was people of another race’, which led the economists to reason that countries in which the majority of people ticked that option were likely to be racially intolerant states. Based on this premise, the results of the research showed that Latin and Anglo countries are the most racially tolerant, with the UK, USA, Scandinavia and most Latin American countries scoring the lowest.

Hong Kong, India, Jordan and Bangladesh were the four least racially-tolerant nations, with 61 per cent of Hong Kong and Bangladeshi resident preferring to stick with their own kind. Europe showed a wide variation of tolerance, with France scoring the highest intolerance and the former Soviet bloc states of Latvia and Belarus the most racially tolerant in Europe.

In general, racial tolerance was seen to be low in Asia’s diverse countries and in many nations in sub-Saharan Africa. The Middle Eastern emirates, especially Egypt and Saudi Arabia, also showed little tolerance for people of other races, perhaps due to religious preferences.

Given its troubled history and present-day violence, Pakistan seems remarkably tolerant, with only six per cent of respondents objecting to a foreign neighbour. South Korea, unsurprisingly given its belief in unique racial identity, scored poorly, as did the majority of Southeast Asia including Thailand and the Philippines.
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