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Expats watch and hope as more Brexit legal challenges are launched
Published: | 16 Jan at 6 PM |
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Courts in Ireland and the British high court are set to hear two fresh challenges to Brexit as it's being put forward by Theresa May and her cronies.
Expats are following the chaotic government manoeuvres and the various attempts to either reverse the referendum result or ameliorate its effects on their lives. The two latest challenges come as Theresa May prepares for her definitive Brexit speech due Tuesday and earlier claimants await the Supreme Court’s judgement on last month’s case.
According to the Guardian newspaper, the Irish courts will hear an ambitious, crowd-funded legal challenge aimed at referring an appeal to the highest EU court on the possibility of reversing the Brexit process. Dublin judges are expected to hear the application some time in the spring.
The second new court case is to be brought to London’s high court by two groups of claimants whose arguments state the necessity of the UK’s remaining in the European Economic Area once Brexit is completed. The claim is due to be heard by the end of this month.
At the same time, Guardian reports claim MPs are now crafting amendments aimed at getting a second vote on whatever final deal is set between the UK and the European Union. On the other hand, ministers in favour of a hard Brexit are preparing legislation aimed at obtaining parliament’s approval for the triggering of Article 50 should the Supreme Court verdict go against the government as expected.
The Irish challenge is being led by London-based tax specialist lawyer Jolyon Maugham QC, who will argue the Lisbon Treaty’s Article 50 is reversible should a decision not to leave be formally made. His argument is that, should a change of mind occur, Article 50 should be able to be withdrawn without the agreement of the remaining 27 EU member states. Elected MPs may join the QC as plaintiffs.
Expats nervously awaiting the Supreme Court’s decision are growing ever more concerned over the possibility of a hard Brexit, as seemingly preferred by Theresa May and her followers. It seems equal concerns are being felt in both houses of parliament, with further amendments being discussed in both the Commons and the Lords’.
Expats are following the chaotic government manoeuvres and the various attempts to either reverse the referendum result or ameliorate its effects on their lives. The two latest challenges come as Theresa May prepares for her definitive Brexit speech due Tuesday and earlier claimants await the Supreme Court’s judgement on last month’s case.
According to the Guardian newspaper, the Irish courts will hear an ambitious, crowd-funded legal challenge aimed at referring an appeal to the highest EU court on the possibility of reversing the Brexit process. Dublin judges are expected to hear the application some time in the spring.
The second new court case is to be brought to London’s high court by two groups of claimants whose arguments state the necessity of the UK’s remaining in the European Economic Area once Brexit is completed. The claim is due to be heard by the end of this month.
At the same time, Guardian reports claim MPs are now crafting amendments aimed at getting a second vote on whatever final deal is set between the UK and the European Union. On the other hand, ministers in favour of a hard Brexit are preparing legislation aimed at obtaining parliament’s approval for the triggering of Article 50 should the Supreme Court verdict go against the government as expected.
The Irish challenge is being led by London-based tax specialist lawyer Jolyon Maugham QC, who will argue the Lisbon Treaty’s Article 50 is reversible should a decision not to leave be formally made. His argument is that, should a change of mind occur, Article 50 should be able to be withdrawn without the agreement of the remaining 27 EU member states. Elected MPs may join the QC as plaintiffs.
Expats nervously awaiting the Supreme Court’s decision are growing ever more concerned over the possibility of a hard Brexit, as seemingly preferred by Theresa May and her followers. It seems equal concerns are being felt in both houses of parliament, with further amendments being discussed in both the Commons and the Lords’.
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