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New poll suggests over three million Leave voters want second referendum
Published: | 15 Nov at 6 PM |
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Anti-Brexit campaigners and UK expats are awaiting further developments with bated breath, suggests new research.
As UK expats in EU member states wait for the latest Brexit news, a new poll suggests 3.3 million people who voted to leave the EU would now support a second referendum which includes an option to remain in the EU. Anti-Brexit campaign group Best for Britain’s new poll adds to the last few weeks’ increasing momentum in favour of allowing theUK electorate to have the final say on any Brussels deal. Out of the 3.3 million Leave voters, 1.3 million voted for Labour in the 2017 general election, 529,000 favoured the Conservative party and 993,000 didn’t even vote. The remainder opted for one of the several smaller parties.
The survey asked a representative 4,957 voters whether, once negotiations were concluded and the UK’s exit strategy finalised, the British electorate as a whole should be given a final vote on whether to accept the deal or stay in the European Union. According to former Tory MP and supporter of Best for Britain Dr Philip Lee, the survey’s findings gave strong evidence that a final ‘peoples’ vote’ is a democratic necessity. Lee added it’s now clear that millions of those who voted Leave now want a last-minute say in Brexit’s outcome, although the reasons behind this mass change of heart could be either they’ve genuinely changed their minds or the result of the negotiations doesn’t tally with what they were told in 2016.
The reality is that, in Westminster as well as across the country and in EU member states’ British expat communities, Brexit is now seen as an unholy, politicised mess unable to benefit either the UK or the EU itself. Endless media reports of potential massive damage to the British economy, to the lives of EU expats living, studying or working in the UK, the loss of the economic power of the City of London’s world financial hub and the damage done to the lives of British expat retirees and entrepreneurs in Europe are now stoking the fires of resistance against the coming disaster. As the call for a second referendum grows louder, Britons wherever they are in the world are realising they can’t be shut out of the country’s most important decision for more than a generation.
As UK expats in EU member states wait for the latest Brexit news, a new poll suggests 3.3 million people who voted to leave the EU would now support a second referendum which includes an option to remain in the EU. Anti-Brexit campaign group Best for Britain’s new poll adds to the last few weeks’ increasing momentum in favour of allowing theUK electorate to have the final say on any Brussels deal. Out of the 3.3 million Leave voters, 1.3 million voted for Labour in the 2017 general election, 529,000 favoured the Conservative party and 993,000 didn’t even vote. The remainder opted for one of the several smaller parties.
The survey asked a representative 4,957 voters whether, once negotiations were concluded and the UK’s exit strategy finalised, the British electorate as a whole should be given a final vote on whether to accept the deal or stay in the European Union. According to former Tory MP and supporter of Best for Britain Dr Philip Lee, the survey’s findings gave strong evidence that a final ‘peoples’ vote’ is a democratic necessity. Lee added it’s now clear that millions of those who voted Leave now want a last-minute say in Brexit’s outcome, although the reasons behind this mass change of heart could be either they’ve genuinely changed their minds or the result of the negotiations doesn’t tally with what they were told in 2016.
The reality is that, in Westminster as well as across the country and in EU member states’ British expat communities, Brexit is now seen as an unholy, politicised mess unable to benefit either the UK or the EU itself. Endless media reports of potential massive damage to the British economy, to the lives of EU expats living, studying or working in the UK, the loss of the economic power of the City of London’s world financial hub and the damage done to the lives of British expat retirees and entrepreneurs in Europe are now stoking the fires of resistance against the coming disaster. As the call for a second referendum grows louder, Britons wherever they are in the world are realising they can’t be shut out of the country’s most important decision for more than a generation.
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