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The truth about post Brexit financial and political shockwaves

Published:  15 Jun at 6 PM
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Tagged: UK, Citizenship, Euro, England
Myths, half-truths and downright lies, along with highly speculative references to various outcomes, have been the norm for the past two months, and only now are the in–your-face consequences of a Brexit being openly discussed.

A carefully-researched article in a highly-regarded UK newspaper is finally giving the unvarnished truth of what the UK will face as the immediate outcome of a Brexit win. It states that the lack of an EU authority road map for Britain’s exit from the EU is deliberate, adding that Brussels officials have been ordered to hide any and all of their researched scenarios from the public gaze.

The leak comes from a high-level official in a European government tasked with drawing up preparations covering the distinct possibility of economic chaos following a win for the Leave campaign. The result of this secrecy for everyday British voters, it seems, has been misinformation piled on disinformation added to misrepresentation of anything vaguely resembling a clear evaluation of all possibilities.

Several months ago, prospective expat voters living in European member states became the first to note the lack of concrete information from either side. Requests to their host countries’ governments fell on deaf ears and, as normal, the UK government did its best to continue its ‘expats’ out of sight, out of mind’ stance.

Over the last several days, it would seem the genie has finally escaped from its bottle, aided by EU President Donald Tusk’s frightening statement that Brexit could be the nail in the coffin of ‘western political civilisation’. Many will consider the remark as exaggerating the situation, but the general feeling now is that economic damage control will be the number one priority of all EU countries, beginning with emergency meetings of EU finance ministers and leaving out any favourable decisions concerning the UK’s participation in the new set-up via trade or free movement.

Given the fact that several of the EU’s most powerful nations are in the run-up to general elections, a Brexit would also heighten the chances of eurosceptic alternative political parties’ success in the polls. Combined with the strong possibility, according to Bloomberg, of a financial crash, the devastating ripple effect across the remaining 27 EU member states would discourage their governments from allowing any post-Brexit conveniences for Britain or its citizens.
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