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US expats in Europe protest against Trumpland

Published:  14 Dec at 6 PM
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American expats in Europe are getting together to protest Trump’s devastating victory in the recent presidential election.

Concerned citizens all over the USA aren’t alone in planning protests and demonstrations to coincide with the Trump inauguration in January, with groups now forming in European expat destinations in order to make their feelings known. Protests have already been seen in Berlin, Paris and Madrid, all of which were organised via Facebook to give Americans overseas a chance to debate and discuss their feelings about America’s future under Trump.

At the present moment, the separate groups are planning independently and are providing a voice for US expats on the sweeping changes to their rights a Trump administration is expected to bring in. Although the massive demonstrations in the USA immediately after the result was announced dwarf the protests in Europe, the concerns felt by all the protestors are the same.

One US expat based in Paris started her group after a visit from her family had become a wake rather than a planned celebration of the first female US president. After her family returned home, she started a Facebook page, named it Paris against Trump and invited like-minded expats to meet up at her apartment. When 40 people showed up, the meet was relocated to the lobby of her apartment block, with French residents also encouraging the protestors.

In November, over 2,000 anti-Trump protestors assembled in front of Berlin’s Brandenburg Gate, again called together by a Facebook page. In Paris, later last month, European and US expats joined together to march close by the Eiffel Tower, and in early December another protest took place in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol. One US expat living in Madrid noted protestors debating the many controversial issues brought forward by the Trump victory, including threats to reproductive rights, immigration, forced deportation, the gun laws and more.

The organisers told media representatives that US expats felt they had no voice overseas and were helpless as a result. Protestors at the Paris protest agreed, saying the eight million US citizens living overseas should not be silenced simply because they’re no longer living in the States. Across Europe in London and Berlin, organisers are now working on larger protests to take place on inauguration day, January 20th. Mirroring the huge protests now being planned across the USA, the expat events are expected to give a sense of urgency to the expat voice, giving overseas US citizens a real stake in the controversial issues now arising in their home country.
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