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Survey measures multinational immigrant quality of life in US

Published:  14 Dec at 6 PM
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Tagged: USA
A recent survey of over 20,000 multinational expats settled in the USA has revealed that most immigrants have no regrets over their decision to leave their home countries.

The 2012 Expat Sentiment Survey report, commissioned on behalf of VIP Communications Inc, stated that 94 per cent of immigrants believed they had made the right choice, with 88 per cent confirming they would take the same decision again. Even so, 80 per cent of respondents admitted missing their home-country families an friends.

The quality of life section of the survey saw 26 per cent of respondents ranking eight points on a scale of 10, with 16 per cent ranking nine points and five per cent ranking seven. Only two per cent ranked their quality of life at the bottom of the scale, with a further one per cent ranking it as two or three and 69 per cent confident their quality of life would improve still further in the future.

Unsurprisingly, over half of those surveyed still felt their home country’s cuisine was better than that in the USA, although in the sports and entertainment sector the US won hands down. America’s education system received praise, with 83 per cent citing it as superior, and 62 per cent felt safer in their new home than in their country of origin.
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