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Brit expatriates in Guam stay cool over North Korean threats

Published:  14 Aug at 6 PM
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Tagged: USA, Citizenship
Britons living and working on Guam are determined to keep cool and keep drinking in spite of North Korea’s threat.

Guam is a tropical paradise for expats living and working on the island, as well as a favourite destination for large number of tourists every year. Both sectors, along with the island’s indigenous population, will be in the firing line if Kim Jong Um carries out his threatened missile attack on the surrounding seas. No-one is certain about the ability of the rogue state to control the weapons through re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere and land them where they were intended to go – in the ocean surrounding the island.

Notwithstanding, it seems the British expat community isn’t in the least phased by the possibility of the threats becoming reality. Displaying the famed British ‘stiff upper lip’ seems to be the norm, with one Mancunian building contractor telling the media they’re joking as regards panic, as he’s planning to finish work, set up his barbecue and have a few pints with his mates. Whatever’s going to happen, he adds, will happen and there’s nothing we can do about it.

Julian Walker from Nottingham, a Guam resident for 27 years, is simply dismissing the threat by the North Korean despot to aim four functional ballistic missiles at the island. Having been less than complimentary about the North Korean dictator, he adds Guam residents have been through the wars of words many times in the past. No-one , he says, is running scared this time, adding everyone he knows is going about their normal lives.

Friday’s TV footage of the Guam governor’s phone call featuring Trump stating everyone on the island ‘will be 1,000 per cent safe’ didn’t impress the British community, nor did a leaflet aimed at citizens which warned against looking at any fireball or flash. Julian’s comment that ‘if you can see the flash, you’re probably dead, so it doesn’t matter if you’re blind from looking at it’ was echoed by many. In short, the general feeling is that it’s much ado about nothing, as a move by Kim would result in his annihilation and very little damage to Guam, as the USA’s THAAD missile defence system is in place and working.
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