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Mobile roaming charges in and around Europe finally slashed

Published:  14 Jul at 6 PM
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Expats using UK mobile phones in Europe are finally able to move from one country to another without being charged a small fortune for mobile roaming, texting and making calls – but it’s not all good news.

Holidaymakers and UK expats who live in EU member states but enjoy touring nearby countries will gain the most from the newly reduced charges. Calls are now capped at 15p per minute, browsing or downloading at 16p per megabyte, texting at 5p a minute and receiving calls at 4p.

Unfortunately for expats from other world destinations, the caps only apply in the European continent, with calls to and from the USA still costing at least £1 per minute. Receiving a call in the newly popular holiday island of Cuba is even more pricy at £2.50 per minute, and roaming outside the EU is a luxury at between £6 and £8 per megabyte.

Expats and travellers should be aware that tablets and smartphones automatically seek out connections when an update is due, making disabling roaming capabilities the best idea along with using an everyday mobile phone for calls. Unlocked handsets and local SIM cards are the answer to soaring bills outside Europe if a specific country is a regular destination and a new number doesn’t create problems.

For extensive travelling, a multi-country Sim card is more expensive but a great deal more useful, and pay-as-you-go phones are the economical answer if you’re touring the USA. A pay-as-you-go phone is also the cheaper option if you’re returning to the UK for regular visits, with models starting at £10.
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