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Survey reveals worlds most child friendly countries

Published:  14 Apr at 6 PM
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Tagged: Moving, Australia
The prospect of moving overseas as a family with younger children inevitably raises parental concerns over safety, education, healthcare and how easy it is for children to feel welcome in their new surroundings.

Results of a recent expat survey included important comparisons of over 190 countries as regards the welcome given to children of relocating professionals. Just under half of all expats are parents, with around 21 per cent bringing their families with them on assignments and raising them overseas. InterNation’s Expat Explorer survey sorts out the best from the rest, based on the 10 countries seen to be the most welcoming for children.

Expat families heading for Uganda might be surprised to find the African state is considered as the world’s most friendly destination for families. Some 68 per cent of those surveyed are more than happy with the friendliness of locals towards their children, a positive result given the global average of around 30 per cent. The warmth of the people, safety, friendliness and lots of fun things to do are all reasons for expat parents’ satisfaction with their choice of destination.

Israel ranked second in the survey for friendliness towards children and also scored high in healthcare and education. Living close to the beach, affordable international schools and great weather also featured in expat evaluations. Apart from its survey result as the best overall worldwide destination for expats, Taiwan gained third place in the general friendliness sector of the survey. Its excellent quality of life is reflected in the Taiwanese love for children of all nationalities.

Costa Rica’s sunny climate helped it win the gold award for the happiest expat population, and the country was also praised by an amazing 91 per cent of respondents for its friendliness towards families as well as its excellent healthcare provisions. In spite of its present-day financial worries, Greece made it to number 5 in the friendliness sector as Greeks simply adore children, no matter what their nationality. Sadly, healthcare and education ratings along with political insecurity let the country down, leaving it at 43 in the Family Life index.

Australia’s famous work-life balance is great for children, according to 94 per cent of expat parents. It’s no surprise the continent scored 71 per cent for family-friendliness. Mexico is known for its welcoming of expats in general, and especially where there are children involved. Rated top of the Ease of Settling in index, it’s the first choice for many US expats. Turkey’s worsening political instability is bad news for its good reputation as regards friendliness, but the Philippine welcome for expats and their little ones is famous worldwide and its childcare is first class.
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