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Brit expats in Spain furious over Union Jack burning

Published:  14 Jan at 6 PM
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Tagged: Spain, UK, England
British expats in Spain are expressing their fury at Iran’s burning of the Union Jack.

A video showing the burning of the British flag in Tehran is spreading fury and horror amongst Spain’s UK expat community. Spread worldwide in both online and offline media, the burning took place outside the Iranian capital’s British Embassy following the arrest of the British Ambassador. Although the leading diplomat was soon released, protestors’ chants of ‘kill the British’ were met with anger across the worldwide UK expat community.

According to one former political correspondent now living in Malaga, such actions are spurring hate and anger and are causing tensions to rise in the favourite expat destination. Spain, he believes, is a multicultural society including Iranians who don’t for even one moment approve or agree with such actions, a fact that Britons in Spain should remember before responding in kind.

Sadly, over the weekend, several Iranian expats have already suffered verbal abuse, with one Fuengirola bar owner telling the press that Brit expats had hurled abuse at him following a TV broadcast showing the burning of the Union Jack. He added Iranians in Spain are peace-loving people and are fully aware it’s their home country’s government and military who’re provoking the violence against the UK. Two of his brothers, he said, are still in Iran, adding he’s worried sick about their safety.
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