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Expat dreams die as Portuguese wildfire destroys everything

Published:  13 Aug at 6 PM
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British expats in Portugal are heartbroken as their dreams are shattered by the massive Monchique wildfire.

The huge wildfire which broke out close by the village of Monchique and raged for seven full days has shattered the lives of expats living in the region. Around 300 residents were evacuated and 42 were injured as the flames destroyed homes both in the village and nearby Silves. One very special dream is now put on hold, and may be destroyed for ever, according to Caroline Leather, the mother of Emily Ross whose daughter and her partner had invested everything in setting up a retreat for those who need a new start in their lives.

According to Caroline, Emily and her partner James had finally managed to purchase land in a peaceful, stunningly beautiful forested area close by Monchique. They worked for almost a year to clear the land, rebuild the house and create a haven in harmony with nature at its loveliest. They'd also invested their will to help others, with the dream of becoming self-sufficient and opening up the retreat to those who desperately needed tranquillity and time to discover new, more fulfilling lives. The wildfires destroyed their dream, leaving nothing but black, charred remnants of trees and the skeleton of the house. The couple have literally lost everything they own except the clothes they were wearing when they fled the flames.

Emily’s mother is thankful they’re both safe, but can’t understand how it feels to have lost everything as well as all the hard work it took to put it together. Emily posted on Twitter, thanking everyone who’d sent their condolences and saying they’d now seen the devastation caused by the fire. The one tiny area left standing, she tweeted, contained all James’s carpentry tools and equipment – a godsend for a new start along with the animals they rescued before the fire got to them. Caroline has started a GoFundMe page, hoping against hope generous people will help the couple realise their dream again. So far it’s received £5,000, but there’s a way to go yet.
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