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Second passports at bargain-basement rates offered by Caribbean nations

Published:  13 Jul at 6 PM
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Now’s the time for expats to bag a discounted second passport as the Caribbean nations are having a fire sale due to the coronavirus.

The tropical island nations in the Caribbean are highly reliant on tourism for their GDP and are suffering due to the pandemic-induced flight bans and lockdowns. As a result, they’re now offering steep discounts on their second passport schemes simply in order to bring in more cash. At the same time, second passports are being seen as one way to avoid being stranded whilst riding out the pandemic.

Deals include St Kitts and Nevis’s four-person family pack now offered at $150,000, a $40,000 drop on its original price, along with a real-estate investment purchase of at least $200,000 to be held for seven years or longer. For those devastated by Brexit’s effect on their travels, visa-less travel across the EU and including the UK is part of this deal. Across the archipelago, other island nations are slashing their prices on similar programmes, with those rich enough to take advantage able to become citizens of Grenada, Domenica, Antigua and Barbuda or Saint Lucia. As a result, citizenship applications for these golden passports have seen a 42 per cent increase.

Unfortunately, those hoping to grab a passport giving easy access to the USA will need to pay far more. For those who can afford this hi-so convenience and aren’t adverse to purchasing citizenship, the more expensive offerings seem to be significantly more useful as they give entry to states whose reactions to the pandemic have been most successful. From simply focusing on easier business and holiday travel, the second passports now have a built in holistic focus on health and safety. For those tempted to splurge on a second citizenship and have the cash to do so, agents specialising in this convenience are urging swift action, as the Caribbean discounts aren’t expected to be around for long.
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