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Expats in Czech Republic find legal CBD oil helps Covid 19 anxiety symptoms

Published:  13 May at 6 PM
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Tagged: Euro
Expats and locals in the Czech Republic are looking to CBD oil as a cure for coronavirus anxiety.

Coping with the effects of lengthy lockdowns is now becoming almost as big a threat to mental health as is the virus on physical well-being. As a result, mechanisms ranging from self-medication through yoga and meditation to excess alcohol consumption are all being suggested both on and offline. It seems even the most socially independent members of the human race are feeling the lack of face-to-face interaction, even although they’d previously discounted its importance to a balanced lifestyle.

Recently, the Czech Republic became a prime expat destination, especially for expat experts in the tech sector. In spite of the fact that they’re in a prime position as regards online contact with anyone anywhere in the world, many are finding isolation almost too much to bear. Perhaps it’s the fact that they can’t hug a laptop, but younger expat entrepreneurs seem to have found a way out – CBD oil.

This latest cure-all is legally and easily available in the country, with the CEO of online store Canatura reporting strongly increased interest in and purchases of the oil since quarantine was mandated. CEO Jifi Novak told reporters his customers are seeking a way to strengthen both their physical and emotional health and are buying online because all stores are now closed.

The controversial oil has now been proven to help several different manifestations of anxiety disorders and it’s now perfectly legal to purchase and use as it contains only a tiny amount of psychoactive CBD as found in marijuana. The CEO is reassuring those worried about addiction that it simply can’t happen due to the miniscule amounts. One thing’s for sure, it’s a far better alternative than drinking to excess for those finding lockdowns and quarantines almost too much to bear.
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