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European expats in Malta present petition against dual pricing
Published: | 13 May at 6 PM |
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A group of European immigrants living in Malta have presented a petition to the Maltese Prime Minister protesting against dual pricing of utilities and bus fares.
For decades, the island of Malta has been a favourite destination for UK and other European expats looking for a peaceful life, better weather and Western amenities. Dual pricing will come as a surprise to would-be migrants, but is now causing a great deal of resentment amongst expat islanders.
The petition, signed by 1,120 foreign residents, claims that foreigners must pay between 35 and 60 per cent more than Maltese nationals for water, electricity, internet services, car registration, home loans and public transport. Expats claim this is blatant discrimination, and a number have already filed a class action lawsuit against a major Maltese utility company.
A spokesperson for the Prime Minister assured the expat group their protest would not be ignored, saying that the administration is against discrimination in all its forms. The petition, he explained, would be submitted for evaluation to a specially-appointed parliamentary committee which will be able to propose a parliamentary discussion on its contents.
Scotswoman Patricia Graham, author of the petition, regards the development as good news, but has her reservations as to whether the government is passing the buck. Ms Graham is personally calling on the island’s recently-elected Labour government to support the petition by recognizing dual pricing as discriminatory.
For decades, the island of Malta has been a favourite destination for UK and other European expats looking for a peaceful life, better weather and Western amenities. Dual pricing will come as a surprise to would-be migrants, but is now causing a great deal of resentment amongst expat islanders.
The petition, signed by 1,120 foreign residents, claims that foreigners must pay between 35 and 60 per cent more than Maltese nationals for water, electricity, internet services, car registration, home loans and public transport. Expats claim this is blatant discrimination, and a number have already filed a class action lawsuit against a major Maltese utility company.
A spokesperson for the Prime Minister assured the expat group their protest would not be ignored, saying that the administration is against discrimination in all its forms. The petition, he explained, would be submitted for evaluation to a specially-appointed parliamentary committee which will be able to propose a parliamentary discussion on its contents.
Scotswoman Patricia Graham, author of the petition, regards the development as good news, but has her reservations as to whether the government is passing the buck. Ms Graham is personally calling on the island’s recently-elected Labour government to support the petition by recognizing dual pricing as discriminatory.
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