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Brit expats in Cyprus in fear due to huge increase in burglaries

Published:  13 Feb at 6 PM
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Expats in Cyprus are being warned about targeted burglary attacks.

The Cypriot village of Pissouri is home to a thriving expat community, most of whom originated in the UK and are now retired. Over the past several months, the numbers of break-ins of expat homes has spiked, leading to the conclusion that expats are the main target. In an interview with reporters from the local English language newspaper, one British expatriate said it’s undeniable that there’s now a huge problem in the village, adding that Pissouri is well known on the island for its large expatriate community and its resulting attraction for burglars and street robbers. Local residents are up in arms as the authorities seem to be doing little to protect them and their homes against the criminal invasion.

One resident told reporters the local police seem to be inactive on the issue, and far less than helpful when residents report burglaries. One British couple, he said, have been burgled three times over the past year, adding the rate of criminal activity seems to have accelerated since last October. Speaking for the entire expat community, he said no-one knows where to turn to next as the police aren’t interested. Another expat resident said it’s not just holiday homes in the village which are being targeted, it’s houses occupied full-time by Britons who’ve moved to the island for a peaceful retirement.

Limmassol CID Ioannis Sotiriades’s take on the issue is that the gravity of the situation is being taken seriously by local law enforcement officers, adding that he’s in constant communication with his Pissouri counterpart in order to find a way to deal with the increasing number of incidents. He's certain expats are being specifically targeted, adding his task is to ensure property owners are safe in their homes. However, expat residents are now claiming there’s no way they can feel safe in the village as the situation is far more severe than is being reported. Local community leader Lazaros Lazarou admits the issue is of major concern, even although burglaries are common on the island.
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