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Brit expats in France warned about festive season burglaries

Published:  12 Dec at 6 PM
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British expats living in France are warned to make sure their homes are secure due to the increased risk of burglaries over the Christmas and New Year period.

Expat residents and homeowners are being advised to take special care over the festive season as regards protecting their homes against burglaries. Traditionally, most people spend more time than usual going out to events, spending time in the evenings with friends and families and shopping for presents and festive foodstuffs all day. Many homes are crammed with Christmas presents, with some hidden away until Christmas morning in garages and sheds, making life far easier for thieves. Targets include high-tech items and fashions as well as jewellery, with the most popular items for burglars including Samsung smartphones, Apple i-Phones and Sony Playstations.

Last year in France, some 680 burglaries took place every day, with the larger the property the better chance of its being burgled. According to insurance loss adjusters, homes with a floor space exceeding 100m square are at 25 per cent more risk than less conspicuous properties. If the floor space is more than 300m square the risk goes up to 30 per cent. Burglars usually head for bedrooms first, with master bedrooms getting the most attention and bathrooms reputed to be where many store their valuables. Obviously, having an alarm installed in an easily visible place and having it connected to the local police station is the best idea, but should you be unlucky it’s essential to call the police immediately as you’ll need their report when making an insurance claim.
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