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Bangladeshi shot dead in Saudi Arabia for prayer call no-show

Published:  12 Dec at 9 AM
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Tagged: Australia, India
A Bangladeshi expatriate worker in Saudi Arabia has been shot dead by a muezzin, reportedly because he failed to attend a prayer call on his behalf.

The murder of 36-year-old Mohammed Rafiqul Islam occurred at Ortawwiyah in the Majmaah district, around 30kms for Riyadh, on Sunday. According to his brother, Kamal Uddin, he worked for a date company and had a part-time job as a car driver.

Meanwhile, the Bangladeshi embassy’s labour councillor Mohamed Sarwar Alam revealed that Islam would occasionally call for prayers at the Ortawwiyah mosque. He said that they had now informed his family of his death, adding that it was now finalising the necessary paperwork.

An Indian expat was also injured in the shooting and is being treated at a nearby hospital. Police said his situation was not critical, but refused to disclose his identity.
The suspect has been arrested and is currently being questioned. Early reports state that he is a psychiatric patient.
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