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Expat lovers of craft beers now have a worldwide choice

Published:  12 Aug at 6 PM
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Would-be expats who love their home country’s craft beers are likely to be worried about finding alternatives in their relocation destination.

Craft beers are the favourite bevies for a massive number of followers, but they may not be aware the obsession is now a world-wide phenomenon. All over the planet from Australia to Europe and even the USA, experimental craft breweries are offering new takes on traditional recipes and specialised bars and pubs are opening in the most unlikely places as well as craft beer hubs such as Germany and other European watering holes. Even the USA, traditionally not known for its tastes as regards beer, is catering for the ever-increasing popularity of craft beers by brewing farmhouse ales and speciality beers.

Craft beer fanatics will be aware of Belgium’s fascinating craft beer manufacturing history as a sideline of Trappist monasteries in medieval times. Nowadays, these naturally-fermented beers are available in towns and cities across the country, with newly-arrived expats queuing for a tour of the famous Cantillon brewery and a taste of its unique products. Also well worth discovering is the Brussels Beer Project and its annual production of 40 new beers.

Would-be expats heading for China could be forgiven for assuming they’ll have to give up their much-loved craft beers in favour of rice wine, but they’ll soon discover the Chinese love for beers of various types and flavours. The Chinese drink more beer per year than any other nation, ensuring a vast selection of both local and international craft beers is always in stock. Boxing Cat Brewery has three brewpubs in Shanghai alone, with one-offs their speciality.

Japan would seem an unlikely destination for lovers of craft beers, but thirsty expats arriving in Tokyo are advised to head straight for the Popeye craft beer bar and its 70 taps. Craft beers are made at Hitachino Brewing Lab and the tasting room at Tokyo’s Baird Beer is well worth several visits. Exploring Berlin’s massive choice of craft beers can be done by craft beer tours or maps showing the hundreds of diverse locations of brewers and their outlets. The city’s oldest brewery is Brauhaus Lemke, established for 20 years and still producing new beers every year. I

f Melbourne is your destination, its experimental and seasonal craft beers along with the weather will result in your never, ever wanting to leave. Moon Dog Brewing’s on-site taps help provide a tropical paradise bar stocked out with seasonal delights such as their Splice of Heaven, and the Thunder Road Brewery is famed for its complex, interesting products including their Pacific Breeze Aussie ale. Nowadays, wherever expats hang their hats, there’s a craft beer brewery not too far away.
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