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Affordable new online GP service aimed at UK expats worldwide
Published: | 12 Jul at 6 PM |
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One of the major concerns for UK expatriates living in Europe is access to inexpensive, reliable healthcare post-Brexit, with a new online GP service offering at least part of the solution.
The post-Brexit demise of free local healthcare for UK expats living in European countries has dominated forums and local news outlets since the referendum. A good proportion of Britons living overseas are retired and depend on the European Health Card for their regular visits to a general practitioner as well as any hospital treatment they may require.
The majority of retirees living in expat hubs such a Spain, Cyprus and France are drawing their UK state pensions and are unable to afford the crippling cost of comprehensive medical insurance, especially if they have pre-existing conditions. Even a visit to the local GP can blow a hole in the week’s money, and the prospect of returning to the UK post-Brexit isn’t much of an option.
Although it’s not the answer for surgical emergencies, a new online general practitioner service might well help those determined to stay in their chosen countries. Started by a qualified GP five years ago, Doctor Care Anywhere does exactly that – gives patients an online video or phone consultation with a virtual, UK-trained and qualified GP based in Britain. In addition, patients across the world can receive private UK prescriptions or have them sent to a local pharmacy.
Advice on the best treatment for current ailments as well as the website’s Health Tracking app are also included in the subscription. The service is already supported by providers of travel services and private medical insurance such as PPP Healthcare, Nuffield Health and Flight Centre and, for British users, there are no language barriers causing confusion over information on symptoms and medications.
Signing on is straightforward, with the site offering monthly, quarterly or annual premiums providing unlimited numbers of consultations at a decidedly affordable level. Doctor Care Anywhere clearly isn’t the total answer to the lack of post-Brexit healthcare options, but it’s an inexpensive way to deal with everyday health concerns as well as chronic conditions requiring regular check-ups and repeat prescriptions.
The post-Brexit demise of free local healthcare for UK expats living in European countries has dominated forums and local news outlets since the referendum. A good proportion of Britons living overseas are retired and depend on the European Health Card for their regular visits to a general practitioner as well as any hospital treatment they may require.
The majority of retirees living in expat hubs such a Spain, Cyprus and France are drawing their UK state pensions and are unable to afford the crippling cost of comprehensive medical insurance, especially if they have pre-existing conditions. Even a visit to the local GP can blow a hole in the week’s money, and the prospect of returning to the UK post-Brexit isn’t much of an option.
Although it’s not the answer for surgical emergencies, a new online general practitioner service might well help those determined to stay in their chosen countries. Started by a qualified GP five years ago, Doctor Care Anywhere does exactly that – gives patients an online video or phone consultation with a virtual, UK-trained and qualified GP based in Britain. In addition, patients across the world can receive private UK prescriptions or have them sent to a local pharmacy.
Advice on the best treatment for current ailments as well as the website’s Health Tracking app are also included in the subscription. The service is already supported by providers of travel services and private medical insurance such as PPP Healthcare, Nuffield Health and Flight Centre and, for British users, there are no language barriers causing confusion over information on symptoms and medications.
Signing on is straightforward, with the site offering monthly, quarterly or annual premiums providing unlimited numbers of consultations at a decidedly affordable level. Doctor Care Anywhere clearly isn’t the total answer to the lack of post-Brexit healthcare options, but it’s an inexpensive way to deal with everyday health concerns as well as chronic conditions requiring regular check-ups and repeat prescriptions.
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