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British expat in Spain robbed in supermarket scam

Published:  12 Jun at 9 AM
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A British expat in the Spanish town of Nerja had her purse stolen in a Mercadona supermarket scam.

Sixty-four-year-old Marion Talbot had her purse, which contained €600, nabbed in a lift in the supermarket after a thief spotted her typing in her pin number when paying for her groceries.

Two smartly dressed men entered the lift alongside her, and on leaving she was halted when one of them bent down to pick up some coins. Talbot believes this was when the other was able to grab her purse.

The expat had no idea she had been pickpocketed until she arrived home to find her purse was missing. She then went online to check her balance and was shocked to see it had been dramatically reduced.

She said that she would never imagine this kind of thing could happen to her but now it had she felt “violated”. She noted that these thieves targeted vulnerable women, which now made her feel paranoid.

Mercadona supervisor Salvador Ortega admitted that pickpockets often targeted older foreigners in the knowledge that they tended carry more cash, noting that Spaniards were generally considered not worth robbing. He urged shoppers to remain on their guard and have as little cash as possible on them.
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