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Better work life balance main motivation for relocation

Published:  12 Apr at 6 PM
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An improved work/life balance is the main reason for expat relocation, according to a recent survey.

Professionals looking to work overseas are motivated first by the wish for a better work/life balance, although better pay and improved career opportunities also play a part in the decision. According to the results of a study by AXA PPP International, those wanting to progress in their chosen field are willing to move overseas even before they’ve found a suitable job.

Although UK companies are trying hard to recruit and support the best new talents in their fields, moving overseas seems to advance careers more quickly than staying home. First-class employees now have the upper hand as regards location, working patterns and remuneration, with businesses needing to exploit the urge for global mobility amongst their best workers.

Flexibility as regards supporting employees in their desire to spend time working in overseas offices means the company can continue to take advantage of workers’ specific skills, whilst giving them chances to fulfill their ambitions. It’s a win-win solution leading to carefully developed career advancement and employee loyalty in the long run.

According to the survey, 90 per cent of expat respondents found local employees accepted their presence in the workplace, although learning foreign languages proved the trickiest challenge for 27 per cent. Other, more minor, problems identified by 13 per cent of those surveyed included gaining an understanding of the differences in management structures and workplace cultures.

The majority of respondents reported the transition between their UK place of work and their new environment had needed a period of adjustment, with just 24 per cent saying that getting used to new ways of working in a foreign environment had been straightforward. Given the positivity over relocation abroad shown by a majority of respondents, it would seem that the trend amongst ambitious employees to become expats is likely to continue.
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